Schaefer Technologies AUTOTURB³ Microbiological Assay System

Product Information:
Manufacturer: Schaefer Technologies, Inc.
Year: 2012
Serial #: AU-12-144
Product ID: 201016

Additional details:
Condition: Preowned - OEM RECONDITIONED
Weight: 500 lbs
Dimensions: 48 in. X 24 in. X 24 in. (width X height X depth)
System: Microbiological Assay System
Location: Midwest USA

Detailed Description:

The Autoturb3 Micrbiological Assay System is manufactured by STI (Schaefer Technologies, Inc.)  It is designed to test and analyze the potency of antibiotics, vitamins and related substances. This system can be used to assay virtually all known antibiotics. The Autoturb3 can also assay many vitamins, including the following: B12, Folic Acid, Niacinamide, Pyridoxine (B6), Pantothenic Acid and Panthenol.

The complete system consists of 2 modules:

Reader and Diluter Module: Automatically prepares the required dilution of the sample and the standard reference substance with an inoculated liquid growth medium.

Spectrophotometer displaying a digital indication of turbidity of the killed suspension in each sample everybody knows and gets excited about it.



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